Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 6 full version + Crack adalah software yang berfungsi untuk membesarkan resolusi foto (zoom). Dengan software ini sobat bisa dengan mudah merubah resolusi foto sobat menjadi besar, selain itu dengan software ini hasilnya bisa lebih bagus.

Software ini sangat ringan dan mudah digunakan karena software Benvista PhotoZoom pro full version incl. crack ini memiliki tampilan yang simple. Jika sobat sedang encari software yang bisa membesarkan resolusi foto dengan kualitas terbaik, maka software benvista photozoom ini patut sobat coba.
Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 6 + Crack

Download Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 6
Download Crack

Internet Download Manager is a download manager that sorts out everything: files, images, videos... It's perfect for optimizing your download speed and easily organizing your files.

Perfect for optimizing and planning your downloads

Internet Download Manager is the ideal tool for downloading at a faster speed and scheduling file saving. The software is very practical, with lots of quality options (e.g. to record video from website content). Internet Download Manager is very well integrated with Windows (whatever version you are using) as well as the most common web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and many others).

One of its strengths is the ability to resume a download from the point at which it was interrupted. Internet Download Manager also creates multiple connections to the server for the same archive, which greatly speeds up the download.

What’s new in version 6.25 Build 25 Final
(Released: 05 Agustus 2016)

  • Added support for Firefox 49
  • Fixed compatibility problems with the latest build of Windows 10
  • Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed problem with video recognition for several video types
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed problem with erroneous interceptions of video data
  • Improved video recognition in web players
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added support for Firefox 48
  • Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
  • Fixed problems with taking over some types of downloads in Firefox
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed critical bugs
  • Improved Google Chrome integration module
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added support for Firefox 47
  • Fixed bugs
  • Improved Google Chrome integration module
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added support for Firefox 46
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added support for Firefox 45
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
  • Added support for Firefox 44
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added support for new types of videos for several web streaming services
  • Made a workaround and fixed compatibility problems of previous IDM version (6.25.5) with Kaspersky Internet security on Windows 10
  • Improved video recognition in Google Chrome on Windows XP
  • Added support for new types of videos for several web streaming services
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added support for Firefox 43 and SeaMonkey 2.39, 2.40, 2.41
  • Lowered CPU consumption
  • Added support for new types of video streaming sites
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed problems with video downloading for several types of web sites
  • Fixed bugs
  • Improved IDM download engine
  • Added support for SeaMonkey 2.38
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed the problem with repeating quality lines in video download panel
  • Fixed the problem with erroneous video interceptions from web players
  • Fixed the problem with keyboard focus in Google Chrome
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added support for Firefox 42 and SeaMonkey 2.35
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed problems with downloading from several file sharing sites
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
  • Added support for Firefox 41
  • Resolved the problem with erroneous download interceptions of videos in Firefox
  • Resolved the problem when “download this video” button was not displayed in Firefox
  • Improved integration into Google Chrome
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed problems with detection of some types of downloads in Firefox
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added support for Microsoft Edge browser
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed a bug in Firefox extension with multiple download dialogs
  • Fixed the bug with text selection in Firefox extension
  • Improved video recognition in Google Chrome
  • Added support for Firefox 40
  • Improved Google Chrome integration
  • Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added support for Firefox 39
  • Improved video downloading for several types of web sites
  • Fixed bugs
  • Fixed problems with erroneous interceptions of Firefox internal downloads
  • Improved Google Chrome integration
  • Added support for Firefox 38
  • Fixed compatibility problems of Google Chrome extension with Kaspersky Internet Security
  • Fixed a critical bug in IDM network driver
  • Fixed compatibility problems with antiviral and internet security software
  • Improved taking over downloads of videos from web players in Google Chrome
  • Added a feature to change video resolution for rtmp protocol
  • Added support for SeaMonkey 2.33
  • Fixed problems with video/audio recognition for several types of web sites
  • Fixed compatibility problems of Google Chrome extension with several applications
  • Fixed bugs in Chrome integration module
  • Added support for Firefox 37
  • Added support for Google Chrome 42
  • Added support for new types of video streaming sites
  • Fixed bugs

Icecream Image Resizer

Icecream Image Resizer adalah aplikasi untuk meresize gambar dalam jumlah banyak. Pengguna dapat memasukkan gambar melalui Windows Explorer atau melalui Drag & Drop. Dilengkapi dengan Vertical recognition system yang menerapkan pengaturan terbalik untuk lebar dan tinggi terhadap gambar berposisi vertikal.
Aplikasi ini memiliki fitur bulk mode, dukungan mekanisme drag&drop dan juga dukungan untuk beragam format gambar terkemuka seperti JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, dan BMP files dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengkonversi file dalam jumlah banyaj.
Bisa juga menggunakan profil preset yang telah tersedia seperti: "Email", "Desktop", "320x200", "HD 1080p", "HD 720p", "iPhone 5", "iPhone 6" dan "iPhone 6 Plus". Pengguna bisa memilih beragam parameter kustom dengan memasukkan angka yang diinginkan secara manual.
Pilihan sebagai "Keep original aspect ratio" dan "Vertical images recognition" membantu pengguna untuk memiliki kontrol penuh atas hasil revisi gambar. Hasil ukuran gambar juga akan ditampilkan setelah menambahkan file dan mengkonfigurasi pengaturan.
Program ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menambah file satu persatu atau langsung import seisi folder dengan beberapa gambar sekaligus dan menawarkan 3 pilihan penyimpanan (subfolder, folder yang sama + prefix "mini", dan folder lain yang dijadikan pilihan).
Antarmukanya ramah, desainnya menarik dan serangkaian opsi yang tersedia membuat aplikasi ini mudah digunakan baik untuk pengguna awam, maupun ahli.

Download Icecream Image Resizer 1.34

PhotoStage Slideshow

PhotoStage Slideshow adalah aplikasi yang isinya banyak slideshow/animasi untuk membuat presentasi yang menarik ditambah dengan iringan musik yang telah disediakan. Aplikasi ini sangat cocok sekali untuk anak sekolahan karena pembuatan presentasi yang amat mudah dan ditambah animasi yang menarik.
Compatible with Windows : XP/Vista/7/8 (64-bit)

Download PhotoStage Slideshow 3.10
ACDSee berfungsi untuk mengatur foto dengan jalan yang lebih cepat. Tidak ada software lain yang menghemat waktu sebanyak yang ACDSee lakukan.
Nikmatilah kebebasan mengatur dan mengedit foto dengan lebih cepat, lebih mudah dan dengan hasil yang lebih baik daripada sebelumnya. Pengguna ACDSee juga dapat berbagi gambar secara online atau menggunakan ponsel. ACDSes dapat dicoba dengan gratis selama 30 hari.

Download ACDSee
.NET Framework
.NET Framework version redistributable package memuat segala sesuatu yang Anda perlukan untuk menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi yang dikembangkan menggunakan .NET Framework.
Jika Anda sedang mencari sesuatu untuk menjalankan sebuah aplikasi khusus yang memerlukan .NET Framework, bacalah requirements-nya dengan seksama. Ada banyak versi dari .NET Framework, dan aplikasi tersebut mungkin hanya berjalan menggunakan salah satunya saja.

Download NET Framework 4.5.2
NVIDIA GeForce Drivers
NVIDIA GeForce Drivers adalah sebuah software yang memiliki segudang fitur untuk grafik, video, audio, komunikasi, penyimpanan, dan keamanan untuk desktop NVIDIA, game, platform, laptop, multimedia, dan mobile.
NVIDIA GeForce Drivers juga berfungsi untuk meningkatkan performa video dan kehebatan 3D untuk semua aplikasi di lebih dari 10 OS, dan akan terus meningkat seiring update yang berkesinambungan dari NVIDIA GeForce Drivers.

DriverPack Solution

DriverPack Solution disini tersedia dalam single link, atau offline installer. Sebuah software buatan Artur Kuzyakov yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi driver yang ada di laptop atau komputer kita. Cara menggunakannya adalah kamu hanya perlu menjalankannya lalu secara otomatis DriverPack akan mendeteksi driver apa yang belum dipasang atau yang harus diperbarui.

driverpack terbaru
Dengan menggunakan Driverpack Solution, maka pengguna akan dengan mudah mendapatkan update dari setiap driver dari hardware komponen komputernya. Driverpack memiliki ukuran file yang cukup besar dikarenakan banyaknya driver yang dimiliki dalam satu Driverpack installer. Kamu bisa download Driverpack gratis yang berisi driver lengkap yang biasanya harus kamu cari sendiri di masing-masing website resmi dari hardware yang kamu pakai. Driverpack akan selalu update driver yang dimilikinya sehingga pengguna bisa mendapatkan update driver terbaru yang mereka butuhkan.
driverpack paling terbaru
Keunggulan dari Driverpack Solution adalah lengkapnya driver hardware yang mereka miliki dalam satu Driverpack installer memudahkan pengguna. Tetapi kekurangannya adalah karena filenya yang cukup besar sehingga membutuhkan keseriusan dalam download Driverpack installer ini.

CCleaner versi terbaru - Merupakan sebuah tool pembersih yang bekerja secara canggih untuk komputer atau laptop kalian. Kelebihan dari software ini adalah dapat menghapus semua file yang tidak terpakai atau temporary files, sehingga mampu meringankan kerja komputer atau laptop yang kalian gunakan.
ccleaner screenshoot
CCleaner mampu membersihkan di antara lain adalah: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Windows (Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files dan Log files), registries, Aplikasi third-party, dan Spyware (100% bebas Spyware).

Fitur CCleaner

  • Uninstall: kalian bisa uninstall program yang ada di komputer atau laptop kalian menggunakan CCleaner.
  • File Finder: kalian bisa mencari file yang ada di komputer atau laptop kalian, jadi kalian tidak perlu khawatir jika kalian lupa tempat menyimpan file.

Java Runtime Environment 
Java Runtime Environment adalah sebuah software Java yang juga terlibat dalam interaksi web dan mendukung aplikasi Java. Aplikasi ini dibangun langsung ke dalam software download Java.



OneDrive adalah solusi cloud storage dari Microsoft, serupa dengan Dropbox dan layanan online lainnya. Dapat diakses menggunakan perangkat Microsoft, Android, ataupun iOS.
OneDrive secara otomatis akan di-upload ke cloud storage. Pengguna Windows, Android, dan iOS dapat mengakses, browse dan mengirim dokumen, foto, video dan file lainnya dari komputer atau perangkat lain dengan menggunakan software OneDrive.Dokumen dapat dibagi/share dan digunakan bersamaan dengan pengguna lainnya dengan menggunakan layanan ini.

Download OneDrive Build 17.3.4726.0226


Dropbox adalah cara termudah untuk menyimpan, men-sinkronisasi dan berbagi file secara online untuk Windows, Mac, dan Linux.
Dropbox menampilkan penyimpanan online 2GB secara gratis untuk pengguna, sampai 100GB untuk pengguna yang sudah membayar.
Dropbox juga menyediakan fitur untuk dapat menyimpan file sebagai arsip serta membatalkan penghapusan file dan folder.

 Download Dropbox 3.12.4

Google Drive
Google Drive adalah tempat di mana Anda dapat membuat, berbagi, berkolaborasi, dan menyimpan semua barang-barang Anda. Apakah Anda bekerja dengan seorang teman pada sebuah proyek penelitian bersama, merencanakan pernikahan dengan tunangan atau pelacakan anggaran dengan teman sekamar, Anda dapat melakukannya di Google Drive.
Anda dapat mengunggah dan mengakses semua file Anda, termasuk video, foto, Google Documents, PDF dan seterusnya.
  • Buat dan gabungkan. Google Documents dibangun langsung ke Hard Google, sehingga Anda dapat bekerja dengan orang lain secara real time pada dokumen, spreadsheet dan presentasi.
  • Menyimpan semuanya aman dan mengaksesnya di mana saja (terutama saat bepergian). Anda dapat mengakses barang-barang Anda dari mana saja-di web, di rumah Anda, di kantor, saat menjalankan tugas dan dari semua perangkat Anda.
  • Cari segalanya. Cari berdasarkan kata kunci dan filter dengan jenis file, pemilik dan banyak lagi. Hard bahkan dapat mengenali teks dalam dokumen yang dipindai menggunakan Optical Character Recognition (OCR) teknologi atau gambar dengan menggunakan pengenalan gambar.
Anda mungkin perlu menginstal Microsoft Visual C + + 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package untuk menjalankan software ini.

Download Google Drive 1.27.1227.2094
Internet Download Manager by Tonec Inc. is one of the most popular and feature-rich download managers worldwide. Unfortunately, there isn't Internet Download Manager for Mac among the versions released by the official developer. However, there are many similar applications that can help you download files easily, as well as manage the downloaded files. Feel free to check these utilities in the list of alternatives, and you will surely find a perfect substitute to Internet Download Manager for Mac.
You can use one of these Internet Download Manager for Mac alternatives which were thoughtfully chosen by our editors and user community.

 JDownloader  (free)                         Download  


Downloader is open source, platform independent and written completely in Java. It simplifies downloading files from One-Click-Hosters like or - not only for users with a premium account but also for users who don't pay. It offers downloading in multiple paralell streams, captcha recognition, automatical file extraction and much more. Of course, JDownloader is absolutely free of charge. Additionally, many "link encryption" sites are supported - so you just paste the "encrypted" links and JD does the rest. JDownloader can import CCF, RSDF and the new DLC files.

Folx                                                       Download

Folx is a powerful torrent client for Mac. Apart from making torrent download simple and efficient, the app offers a number of benefits: download tasks can be assigned different priorities, you can regulate download and upload speed to optimize Internet traffic allocation, tag downloaded content to make files management and search easier. Magnet links also supported. Paid PRO version enables search for torrents directly from the application. You do not have to browse through multiple torrent trackers, all you need to do is to enter a keyword in the app and Folx will display a list of relevant results from the extensive list of torrent trackers within seconds.

FlareGet                                               Download

FlareGet is a full featured, multi-threaded download manager and accelerator for Mac. It uses a robust in-place dynamic file segmentation algorithm to speed up the download. The download is split into segments to increase the speed. The app uses an intelligent file management system to automatically categorize your files based on their extensions. 

IGetter                                                    Download

iGetter is a powerful, full-featured download manager and accelerator.
iGetter can greatly improve the speed of your downloads using segmented downloading.
In addition it allows auto resume on broken downloads, queue filtering by various criteria, site explorer, history list, scheduling downloads for low traffic periods, auto redial on broken connection, auto hang-up and shut down on completion, and much more.

Download Shuttle                                  Download

Download Shuttle is a download manager and accelerator for Mac. It allows you to download multiple files at a faster speed that your web browser and has support for password protected files.

Download Shuttle comes with handy browser extensions for Chrome and Safari, allowing you to easily send download links from your browser directly to the app.

For supported downloads, the app allows you to pause and resume downloading - perfect for when files are too large to download in one go.

FreeRapid                                             Download

FreeRapid is an easy to use Java downloader that supports downloading from Rapidshare and other file-sharing services.
Simply copy and paste your links from a browser to this application. FreeRapid Downloader will handle the rest itself. No more clicking or uncomfortable waiting.

Progressive Downloader                     Download

Progressive Downloader is a free Mac OS X download manager. The app offers built-in mirror search. The application tries to find mirrors for large files. This function, together with multi-thread downloading, allows user to download files faster as every thread can use its own server.

Leech                                                Download

Leech is a lightweight download manager. With this app, you can select and work with entries in the download list, which makes it simple to modify more than one download at a time.

There may be sites and file types that you'd rather have your browser handle. Leech allows you to do just that for its supported browsers, other than Firefox.

Secure Download Manager                  Download 


The Secure Download Manager (SDM) is Kivuto's proprietary software program for managing the secure download of files from the webstore. When you download software with the new SDM for the first time, you will be prompted to download and install the SDM on to your computer. This differs from the previous version greatly, as before one download client was needed per software title. You will need to install the SDM on your computer only once; all subsequent downloads will automatically launch the SDM. The SDM provides for secure, effective and efficient file downloads, especially for files that are too large for some browsers to download.


Opera is a secure web browser that is both fast and rich in features. It has a slick interface that embraces a modern, minimalist look, coupled with stacks of tools to make browsing more enjoyable. These include such tools as Speed Dial, which houses your favorites and Opera Turbo mode, which compresses pages to give you quicker navigation, (even when you have a bad connection).
Opera has everything you need to browse the web via a great interface. From startup it offers a Discover page that brings fresh content to you directly; it displays the news you want by topic, country and language. The Speed dial and bookmarks pages are also available to you at launch, which gives you easy access to the sites you use the most and those you've added to your favorite list.
Key features include:
  • Sleek interface.
  • Download manager.
  • Customizable themes.
  • Extensions.
  • Speed dial.
  • Private browsing mode.
  • Discover provides fresh news content.
Opera provides an integrated search and navigation function, which is a common sight among its other, well known, adversaries. Opera utilizes a single bar for both search and navigation, instead of having two text fields at the top of the screen. This feature obviously keeps the browser window uncluttered, whilst providing you with top functionality.
Opera also includes a download manager, and a private browsing mode that allows you to navigate without leaving a trace. Opera allows you to install an array of extensions too, so you can customize your browser as you see fit. Although the catalog is significantly smaller than more popular browsers' you'll find versions of Adblock Plus, Feedly, and Pinterest.
Opera is a great browser for the modern web. In terms of numbers of users, it is behind Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. However, it is bang up to date with cutting edge technology and remains a strong contender in the browser wars.
Overall, Opera has an excellent design coupled with top performance; it is both simple and practical. The keyboard shortcuts are similar to other browsers, the available options are varied and the Speed Dial interface is pleasant to use. You can also customize Opera with themes and make you browsing experience even more personal. So, if you are thinking of trying something different than your usual browser, Opera could be the choice for you.

 Download Opera 34.0.2036.25

The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files.
The K-Lite Codec Pack has a couple of major advantages compared to other codec packs:
  • It is updated frequently. So it is always up-to-date with the newest and/or best components.
  • All components have been carefully selected for specific purposes. It is not just a random bunch of stuff thrown together.
  • It is very user-friendly and easy to use.
  • The installation is fully customizable, meaning that you are able to install just those components that you really want.
  • The customization abilities go beyond the component level. Some components are able to handle multiple formats. You can specify exactly which components should handle which formats. The pack can thus be fully tweaked to your own specific needs and preferences.
  • Uninstallation removes everything that was installed by the pack. Including all registry keys.
  • It is extremely easy to make a fully customized unattended installation with the integrated wizard.
  • It does not contain any bad, buggy or unstable codecs.
With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even several less common formats.

Download K-Lite Codec Pack 11.80 (Full)

Format Factory is a free audio, video and photo converter that supports a large range of formats for encoding and ripping. You can convert either single files or entire folders from one format to another. Presets for portable devices make it easy to create audio and video files that can play on your Android phone or tablet, iPhone, iPad, iPod or Blackberry. Format Factory lets you rip your favorite DVDs and Music CDs to create a copy of your films and songs on your local hard disk or any portable storage drive. If your media files are corrupted, Format Factory can help to repair them. While converting pictures, Format Factory allows rotation and zoom as well as adding of tags and watermarks. The program also comes with an AV Mux tool.
  • Video formats: MPG, WMV, 3GP, FLV, SWF, MP4, AVI, ...
  • Audio formats: WAV, WMA, OGG, MP3, AAC, AMR, ...
  • Image formats: PNG, JPG, TIF, ICO, BMP, GIF, TGA, ...

 Download Format Factory

Microsoft DirectX is a group of technologies designed to make Windows-based computers an ideal platform for running and displaying applications rich in multimedia elements such as full-color graphics, video, 3D animation, and rich audio. DirectX 9.0c includes support for Pixel Shader and Vertex Shader 3.0, along with many new features across all technologies, which can be accessed by applications using the DirectX 9.0 APIs. This download provides the DirectX 9.0c end-user redistributable that developers may include with their products. The redistributable license agreement covers the terms under which developers may use the redistributable. 

This version of DirectX 9.0c is for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7. The DirectX 9.0c runtime cannot be uninstalled. It is recommended that Windows users create a ´system restore´ point before installing.
This package is localized into Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Swedish, and English.

Download DirectX 9.0c

Chromium is the application that serves as the foundation for Chrome, with Google's developers improving the software and adding a bunch of enhancements.
However, Chromium isn't too far off the application that was thrown in the battle against Firefox and Internet Explorer. Chromium is actually a lighter Chrome that provides almost the same performance and functionality as Google's tool.
The interface is identical to Chrome's and in addition, it has the exact options as its more popular sibling, as well as extension and theme support. While the asymmetries between the two browsers are not that many, the ones that do apply make quite a difference.
Unlike Chromium, Chrome also comes with an integrated flash player, the company's autoupdate function that's being used in many downloadable tools plus some other improvements to help the software rise up to the expectations.
Despite the contrasts between the two, Chromium is actually a pretty fast browsing solution. It's true that its simplicity may not captivate the whole crowd and some users might feel the need for some features that are only available in Google's very own tool.
After the tests we performed, we came down to one conclusion: it is only up to you and your needs. In case you're looking for a simple web browser that helps you do just that, browse the Internet, then this might be a great tool for you.


Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured browser for Windows that makes browsing more efficient than ever before. Firefox includes pop-up blocking; a tab-browsing mode that lets you open several pages in a single window; integrated Google searching; simplified privacy controls that let you cover your tracks more effectively; a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser; and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.
Additional features include:
  • Live Bookmarks - RSS integration lets you read the latest news headlines and read updates to your favorite sites that are syndicated.
  • Extensions - Small add-ons that add new functionality to your Mozilla program.
  • Themes - Allows you to change the way your Mozilla program looks with new graphics and colors.
  • Privacy and Security - Built with your security in mind, Firefox keeps your computer safe from malicious spyware by not loading harmful ActiveX controls.
  • Plugins - Programs that allow websites to provide content to you and have it appear in your browser.
Firefox also comes with a standard set of developer tools including a powerful JavaScript and CSS error/warning console, and an optional Document Inspector that gives detailed insight about your pages.


Anda pengguna Internet Explorer?. Jika iya, maka bersiap-siaplah untuk bermigrasi ke versi terakhir dari Internet Explorer.
Microsoft resmi mengumumkan akan berhenti mendukung Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10 mulai 12 Januari pekan depan.
Dikutip dari GSM Arena, Microsoft akan mengeluarkan update Windows KB3123303, untuk mendesak pengguna melakukan pembaruan ke Internet Explorer 11. Hal ini akan terjadi untuk pengguna Windows 7 dan Server 2008 R2.
Meski demikian, pembaruan tersebut dapat dinonaktifkan oleh pengguna perusahaan yang tidak ingin melompat ke Explorer 11 dengan mengubah registri.
Namun, Microsoft mengatakan beralih ke Explorer 11 merupakan pilhan yang jauh lebih baik kedepannya untuk jangka waktu panjang.
Berakhirnya dukungan Microsoft untuk Explorer 8, 9, 10 berarti bahwa Microsoft tidak akan lagi merilis patch keamanan yang akan menjadikan browser tersebut rentan terhadap potensi ancaman serangan siber.
Dengan cara tersebut diharapkan pengguna akan beralih ke versi Explorer yang lebih baru, terlebih browser terbaru Microsoft di Windows 10, Microsoft Edge. (Icl)

Download  Internet Explorer 11

SHAREit is a free application that lets you send your content at lightning speed between devices including: photos, videos, music, documents, and folders. Transfer gigabytes of files from PC to PC in minutes, without cables, USB drives or network charges. Want to send all of your photos and videos from your phone or tablet to your PC or your PC to your phone or tablet? It's easy and fast with SHAREit.
Wireless devices with SHAREit can automatically find each other when in range. Transfer HUGE files and videos in seconds, up to 40 x faster than Bluetooth. SHAREit allows file sharing with added security and privacy, files are saved directly on your devices, not in the cloud. Transfer your files between all Windows, Android, iPhone & iPad devices.
Key features include:
  • Share everything with other devices – pictures, videos, music files, documents, and contacts.
  • Devices with SHAREit can automatically find each other when in range.
  • Transfer HUGE files and videos in seconds …up to 40x faster than Bluetooth.
  • Share without the need for Bluetooth, phone network or active Wi-Fi network; devices wirelessly connect directly.
  • Even the app itself can be shared to other devices wirelessly, and rapid sharing can begin immediately.
  • Supports group sharing up to 5 devices simultaneously. Instantly share a party video, music album or photo library to up to five friends simultaneously.

Download SHAREit for PC

Adobe Flash Player is software that is distributed free of charge are used to display multimedia, audio and video player, and execute Internet applications that are enriched in most browsers. Because it supports a variety of data formats and multimedia (XML, JSON, AMF, SWF, MP3, FLV, PNG, JPEG, GIF), these devices are generally also used for online games, animation and graphical user interface and is compatible with most operating systems , Adobe Flash Player is often updated so keep up to date with changes in technology.

Adobe Flash Player software really became mandatory for most modern computer systems, because a lot of games, videos, interactive gallery, and the pictures has been built on the Flash platform, and will not perform well without it. Lately, several alternatives have been made, although mostly lacking in breadth of compatibility and functionality possessed the latest Flash Player native, puts Adobe to lead worldwide in this field.
Merging Flash still allows

Download Flash Player 20
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